For those who may be interested, I include here the contents of The Light and the Light with the corresponding poems in Die Niemandsrose (1963) by Paul Celan listed in parentheses. For translations of most of them, and for more about Celan, I highly recommend the work of John Felstiner.

T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S

The Window House — (Hüttenfenster)

1. The Doorkeeper’s Gate — (Einem, der vor der Tür stand)
2. The Globe Gate — (Les Globes)
3. The Strange Lostness Gate — (Stumme Herbstgerüche)
4. The Uninhabitable Gate — (Zweihäusig, Ewiger)
5. The Babble Visit Gate — (Tübingen, Jänner)
6. The Crowned Gate — (Hinausgekrönt)
7. The Identity Theft Gate — (Eine Gauner- und Ganovenweise)
8. The Water Gate — (Die Schleuse)
9. The Evasive Stone Gate — (Wohin mir das Wort)
10. The Bare Stones Gate — (À la pointe acérée)
11. The Mother Root Gate — (Radix, Matrix)
12. The Bright Stones Gate — (Die hellen Steine)

1. The Knife Fountain Stair — (… Rauscht der Brunnen)
2. The Thought Cloud Stair — (Mit allen Gedanken)
3. The Alchemy Stair — (Chymisch)
4. The Lost Land Stair — (Eis, Eden)
5. The Psalmist’s Stair — (Psalm)
6. The Havdalah Stair — (Hawdalah)
7. The Heartward Stair — (Anabasis)

1. The Galactic Room — (Soviel Gestirne)

1. The Boomerang Window — (Ein Wurfholz)
2. The Deep Word Window — (Das Wort vom Zur-Tiefe-Gehn)
3. The Two Hands Window — (Zu beiden Händen)
4. The Empty Almond Window — (Mandorla)
5. The Other Weight Window — (Es ist nicht mehr)
6. The Near-Farsighted Window — (Kermorvan)
7. The Carried-Off Window — (Ich habe Bambus geschnitten)

1. The Over-There Court — (Dein Hinübersein)
2. The Blessing Court — (Benedicta)
3. The One Court — (In eins)
4. The Life-Touched Court — (An niemand geschmiegt)
5. The Pain Word Court — (Die Silbe Schmerz)
6. The Wine-Lost Court — (Bei Wein und Verlorenheit)
7. The Dug Court — (Es war Erde in ihnen)
8. The Day Sky Court — (Bei Tag)
9. The Our-Talk Court — (Zürich, zum Storchen)
10. The Three Questions Court — (Was geschah?)
11. The Silver Coin Court — (Es ist alles anders)
12. The Wander Root Court — (In der Luft)

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